Reviews & Recommendations

Introducing the new Trusted Match experience

The Trusted Team
May 4, 2022
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Here at Trusted, we believe in continuously building the tools and technology for nurses that give them what they need to manage and navigate their careers. So we took your feedback to redesign a new Match experience that gives you more control, flexibility, and speed when it comes to your job search.

Check out the newest features below!

1. Search by Compact States

Quickly search for Matches in compact states by choosing ‘All compact states’. If you’re interested in specific locations in addition to compact states, you can also still add as many specific locations as you'd like to the same search.

2. Search for Matches anywhere

If you’re flexible on location or curious to see what’s available regardless of location, see Matches anywhere by leaving boxes unchecked rather than indicating specific locations to see all Matches that meet your other preferences.

3. Easily find your newest Matches

Matches that you haven't seen yet will be tagged as 'NEW'. Once you've viewed them, they will switch to displaying how long they've been active on Trusted.

4. See how long Matches have been active

Each Match now displays how long it's been active on Trusted - from hours to days to weeks (or more!). Be among the first to apply for the newest jobs - but don’t be discouraged by older jobs as they may simply have a greater number of positions with recurring needs.

5. Sort Matches based on what's most important to you

Sort all your Matches by highest pay, the earliest start date, or how recently they were added (newest).

6. Narrow your Matches down to more specific contract lengths

Now more easily find opportunities that meet your availability by filtering for contract length. Keep in mind that opportunities are often flexible by a week or two on each end (and may be eligible for extension).

7. Filter by 'Evening' and 'Variable' shifts

We know nursing shifts aren’t as simple as searching by day or night shift. You can now search for evening opportunities or variable if you’re flexible to rotate.

8. Filter by popular EMR technologies

See Matches based on the EMR technologies that you're most experienced with - or filter out those you're not interested in using. Note that this isn’t inclusive of all the EMR technologies that might be used, so be sure to play around with checking and unchecking these boxes to expand your results.

9. 'Hide' the Matches you're not currently interested in

Eliminating the Matches you’re not interested in is key to finding and focusing on the ones that you are! When you’re sure you don’t want to pursue an opportunity, go ahead and hide it and you won’t see it anymore. No worries if you change your mind - you can revisit all Matches you’ve previously hidden from your Favorites page.

If you're ready to take advantage of these new features, but haven't joined Trusted yet, be sure to sign up to start viewing your personalized Matches today! With a Trusted profile, you'll not only get access to the best travel nursing jobs across the country, you'll also gain access to other great features like our Salary Explorer, personalized CEU tracker, and a community forum of Trusted nurses to connect with!

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