June 12, 2020

Record number of healthcare workers without jobs

While COVID-19 caused a massive spike in predominantly frontline response jobs between January and March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that more than 1.4 million healthcare workers were laid off or furloughed during April (largely due to the halting of elective surgeries and routine procedures). The American Hospital Association also estimates that U.S. hospitals will lose roughly $200 billion between March 1 and June 30. However, on a positive note, healthcare added about 300,000 new jobs in May, although mostly in ambulatory care. If you find yourself in a challenging situation right now, we have some resources for you during this time. Read more

COVID-19 cases on the rise in some states following re-opening —

This past Monday, Texas reported a recording-breaking number of COVID-19 hospitalizations (1,935) in a single day. This finding was shared as the state continues to move forward with a plan to open some businesses to 50% capacity. However, even states where more restrictions are still in place are seeing increases in diagnosed cases. The WHO also announced on Monday that worldwide we saw the highest daily increase in cases—136,000—with the United States and Brazil accounting for nearly 20,000 each. Read more

Who's been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19? —

Teenagers. For many, some of their most active, social, and extroverted times have been hindered by the impact of COVID-19. Like all of us, many teens have been forced to stay home and away from friend, which, doctors are saying has caused an increase in teen depression. Many teens are citing a lack of closure during their senior year of school, social engagement with friends, and outdoor social activities to be driving their current depression and anxiety for the near future. Read more

Street medics to the rescue —

The recents protests have called to action a growing number of "street medics," comprised of nursing students, veterinarians, doctors, surgeons, ski patrollers, active nurses, and EMTs, who are committed to supporting their communities on and off the clock. They're doing everything from lessening the irritation caused by tear gas to stanching wounds, many times running to the frontlines of protests to pull disoriented or injured protesters from clouds of gas. "When we see suffering, that's where we go," says Dr. Marya, co-founder of the Do No Harm Coalition. "And right now that suffering is happening on the streets." Read more

WHO shares confusing message —

On Monday, the WHO announced that there is very little evidence for the common spreading of COVID-19 via people who are asymptomatic. However, the WHO recanted this statement on Wednesday, when the WHO's top official stated that the agency "could always do better." Dr. Fauci responded to the initial comment by stating, “In fact, the evidence we have, given the percentage of people, which is about 25% [to] 45%, of the totality of infected people likely are without symptoms." The WHO's final remark was that their understanding of COVID-19 is continually expanding, and that they will continue learning all they can about the novel virus. Read more

Healthy nurse, healthy nation —

Did you know that nurses tend to be less healthy than the average American? Research shows that nurses are more likely to be overweight, have higher levels of stress, and get less sleep... all of which is largely linked to giving so much of themselves to their patients on a daily basis. The American Nurses Foundation has set up a program called "Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation Grand Challenge" to bring awareness to the fact that the health of a nurse has a serious impact on patient care. It's an initiative to "connect and engage nurses, employers, and organizations around improving health in five areas: physical activity, nutrition, rest, quality of life, and safety." Take a peek and tell your friends! Read more

Upcoming Events —

6/18, 7pm PDT: Meets, Greets, & Games: San Francisco
This virtual Meets, Greets, & Games is for any nurse who works in the Bay Area! It's an hour for nurses to connect with each other, meet some friendly new faces, and learn a bit more about the city. Every attendee will have a chance to play some virtual games and video chat 1:1 with at least three fellow nurses in the area. Bring your favorite beverage, a friendly smile, and some San Francisco love. RSVP

Clockin' Out ✌

"Q: If 2020 were a drink, what would it be?"
"A: Colonoscopy prep." - @iculaughingrn