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Travel RN Jobs

As a Registered Nurse, your training, education, and supervisory experience make you a qualified candidate for travel RN jobs around the country. That’s why we’ve expanded our nationwide network of the highest-paying travel RN jobs. Trusted empowers you to search, save, apply for, and secure job matches — without relying on a travel RN agency. With our personalized search tools, the highest-paying RN positions, part-time registered nurse jobs, and new grad RN jobs are easy to find. Find your match without sacrificing job flexibility and your dream location.

4,565 Travel Nurse Jobs

  • $4,800/wk
    Bakersfield, CA
    Labor & Delivery Unit
    Start ASAP(13wks)  
  • $4,655/wk
    Porterville, CA
    Labor & Delivery Unit
    November 19th(13wks)  
  • $4,607/wk
    Bakersfield, CA
    RN First Assist
    November 11th(13wks)  
  • $4,369/wk
    Parkersburg, WV
    RN First Assist
    Start ASAP(13wks)  
  • $4,369/wk
    South Charleston, WV
    RN First Assist
    Start ASAP(13wks)  
  • $3,881/wk
    Chico, CA
    RN First Assist
    Start ASAP(13wks)  
  • $3,856/wk
    San Luis Obispo, CA
    RN First Assist
    October 28th(13wks)  
  • $3,690/wk
    Salinas, CA
    Nurse Management
    November 4th(13wks)  
  • $3,690/wk
    Salinas, CA
    Nurse Management
    November 4th(13wks)  
  • $3,675/wk
    Boston, MA
    Nurse Management
    Start ASAP(8wks)  
  • Page 1 of 457

    Travel RN Job Salary & Responsibilities

    Your travel RN salary is based on your specialty, experience, and where you secure your assignment. Registered Nurse job descriptions focus on technical knowledge and supervisory skills; attention to detail; and communication with patients, families, and healthcare professionals in critical situations. But, an RN’s responsibilities also require a combination of compassion, patience, and resilience.


    This isn’t news to you. You came to Trusted because you’ve tried RN staffing agencies without the personal support you need. This doesn’t surprise us, either. We’re a team of Trusted nurses who’ve been in your shoes (those comfy, non-slip shoes). We’ll help advance your career on your terms.